
Category: News

For LRGs to engage with the UN human rights system, capacity building is good but not enough. A new status for LRGs at the UN is required.

On 28 August 2023, the Geneva Cities Hub took part in the OHCHR expert meeting on “Enhancing capacity-building for local governments to incorporate human rights into all their work”, organized in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 51/12. The GCH called upon States to establish a new status for LRGs at the UN, in order to facilitate their …

GCH joins ITU Partner2Connect Digital Coalition

The Geneva Cities Hub has joined the ITU Partner2Connect Digital Coalition (P2C) and will promote the objectives supported by the P2C within its network of representatives of Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) on all continents to harness the enormous potential of digitalization to improve people’s lives and fast forward progress on the SDGs. The GCH …

CitiVerse – the potential of VR to build inclusive and sustainable cities

On 13 July 2023,  ITU together with Greece and Tanzania organized an event on “Exploring the metaverse: A New World of Possibilities for Cities and Communities” during the 2023 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). It was an exciting discussion about digitalization, smart cities, metaverse and CitiVerse. The event explored the potential of the …

Mayors call on States to fully acknowledge the role of local governments in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

On 11 July, the Geneva Cities Hub, together with the Global Parliament of Mayors, co-organized an online briefing for Mayors on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR). Speakers included leading global health experts Prof. Ilona Kickbusch and Prof. Rebecca Katz, as well as Mayors from the cities of Fort-Collins (USA), Quelimane (Mozambique) and Braga (Portugal). As States have …

States are not alone in their commitment to human rights

A landmark seminar on National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF) in the field of human rights (held in accordance with resolution 51/33, adopted by the UN Human Rights Council in 2022), was organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), with the support of Paraguay, Brazil, and …

GCH shares its experience about inclusive multilateralism at Brussels Urban Summit

On 13-15 June the Geneva Cities Hub attended the Brussels Urban Summit co-organized by Eurocities, Metropolis, OECD Champion Mayors and Brussels Capital Region. Global challenges also have concrete impact on cities today: climate change, human rights, urban growth, migration and social inclusion, just to name a few. Cities are political actors with significant decision-making power …

Neighbors’ Day brings us closer to our partners

On 20 June, the Geneva Cities Hub co-hosted Neighbors’ Day with Handicap International, GMPA, J’aime ma planète, Rhizome and Civicus. The event gathered representatives from dozens of institutions and organizations, including the Canton of Geneva as well as Geneva-based international organizations and NGOs. It was an opportunity to informally discuss areas of interest with stakeholders …

The GCH publishes a policy paper on the commitments by the international organizations:“What reconstruction for Ukraine?”

In the run-up to the international Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2023) to be organized in London on 21-22 June 2023, the Geneva Cities Hub published a policy paper, entitled “What reconstruction for Ukraine? How the need for a future-oriented reconstruction approach translates into concrete projects?” In the policy paper the Geneva Cities Hub aims to …

Habitat Assembly: revitalizing multilateralism from the bottom-up

On 15 June, the Geneva Cities Hub, in close partnership with UN-Habitat, organized a Geneva Urban Debate on key outcomes of the UN Habitat Assembly (5-9 June 2023, Nairobi). Present in Nairobi, the GCH advocated for a more inclusive kind of multilateralism at the UN. Notably, it called for the creation of a new status …