

Connecting local and regional governments to the United Nations and other international organizations


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On 1 July 2024, 52 countries joined the Statement on “Digitalization of Cities and Human Rights”. It is the first time that the UN Human Rights Council addresses the question of ‘smart cities’. While digitalization presents many opportunities, it also entails human rights risks, including those arising from the scale and quality of the collected personal data or arising from discrimination and the deepening of the digital divide.


We should carve out a bigger space for LRGs in global decision-making

In a recently published WEF Agenda Post GCH argues that LRGs can be agile partners with the capacity to respond quickly in times of economic, health or environmental crisis. Their actions can complement and extend the actions of central governments. They can also help deliver key global goals, such as the SDGs or the Paris …

New dynamics for continued pandemic negotiations, but still no transparency

From 16-17 July 2024, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) tasked to draft a new pandemic agreement met for its 10th session. There was high hope that relevant stakeholders, including the Global Cities Hub, would be allowed from now on to take part as observer in all INB meetings. But this proposal has been strongly pushed back by several delegations.