
Global Cities Hub

Connecting local and regional governments to the United Nations and other international organizations


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April 8, 2025 12:00 pm
This event, co-organized with the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and Making Cities Resilient 2030, aims to brief local and regional governments on the upcoming session of the GPDRR. It will be structured around three central topics: the important discussions relating to cities and urban disaster risk reduction, the participation of local and regional governments, and the potential outcomes of the session.
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In 2024, the GCH consolidated its role as a key platform for city engagement on the international stage. Building on its growing network and influence, the GCH promoted a multilateral system that is more inclusive vis-à-vis LRGs. In doing so, the GCH mainly focused on the international ecosystem in Geneva, given the diversity of its stakeholders and their capacity to evolve and innovate.


The Global Cities Hub is at the forefront of linking LRGs and international organizations to address the most pressing challenges faced by urban centers worldwide. Engaged in a diverse array of initiatives, GCH fosters collaboration among cities,  mayors and city networks to strengthen inclusive multilateralism in the Geneva ecosystem, including the United Nations. Our work spans critical areas including environment and climate change, smart city development, protection of human rights, and promotion of urban health. By facilitating knowledge exchange and joint action, we aim to create sustainable, inclusive, and resilient urban environments for all.



HRC statement on women’s participation in decision-making systems

During the 58th session of the Human Rights Council a group of countries made a joint statement on women’s participation in decision-making systems. The GCH applauds the commitment of those countries and agrees with the content of the statement. However, we could not resist the temptation to share a version of the statement as it would look like ...