
Category: News

GCH 2021 Annual Strategic Retreat

The 3rd Annual Strategic Retreat of the Geneva Cities Hub focused on how to support the involvement of local and regional governments (LRGs) in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which provides a concrete multilateral entry point for LRGs to directly interact with States. To do so, retreat participants first discussed lessons learnt from the Voluntary …

Annual retreat 2021 of the Geneva Cities Hub

On 10 December 2021, the Geneva Cities Hub will hold its Annual strategic retreat. This year, the retreat will focus on the role of local and regional governments (LRGs) in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR, a State-driven process involving a review of the human rights records of all UN Member States). On that occasion, the …

The Healthy Cities, Healthy People initiative

The Geneva Cities Hub supports the Healthy Cities, Healthy People initiative that will be launched today. The Healthy Cities, Healthy People initiative brings together local leaders and organizations such as UN-Habitat, the World Health Organization, the Commonwealth Local Government Forum and others, committed to creating healthy cities for all, with a focus on reducing rates …

World Cities Day: Building Climate Resilient Cities with Digital Transformation

On 28 October 2021, to celebrate Urban October, the co-Director of the Geneva Cities Hub, Ms. Kamelia Kemileva had the honor to moderate the Panel Discussion as part of the WSIS TalkX entitled World Cities Day: Building Climate Resilient Cities with Digital Transformation. The event was co-organized by the WSIS Team of the International telecommunications …

Informal Retreat with the 5 UN Regional Commissions and UN-Habitat

Informal Retreat with the 5 UN Regional Commissions and UN-Habitat The Geneva Cities Hub co-organized the first of its kind two-day retreat with the five UN Regional Economic Commissions with UNECE and UN-Habitat. Areas of collaboration were discussed in relation to urbanization and enhanced engagement of cities, local and regional authorities. A roadmap was deemed …

In Focus SDG11 roundtable

Co-organized by UNECE, UN-Habitat and the Geneva Cities Hub, the event “In Focus SDG11” took place on 6 October 2021 with a focus on “Housing & sustainable urban development in a world marked by Covid-19 and climate change”. The SDG11 event seeks to foster cooperation between various stakeholders and promote the effective implementation of SDG11 …

2021 edition of the International city networks directory

On 6 October, the Geneva Cities Hub, in partnership with UNECE and UN-Habitat, will introduce the 2021 edition of the International city networks directory, during the event In Focus: SDG 11 “Housing & sustainable urban development in a world marked by Covid-19 and climate change”. The objective of the Directory is to provide an overview …

The Geneva Cities Hub launches the Mayors’ Action Platform!

On 20 September 2021, the Geneva Cities Hub is launching the Mayors’ Action Platform (MAP). Created under the auspices of UNECE and UN-HABITAT, this initiative was created to follow-up on the Geneva Declaration of Mayors. The objectives of the platform are twofold: to showcase concrete actions and solutions devised by cities to address the issues …