On 2 June 2022, the Geneva Cities Hub will participate in a visionary High-Level Dialogue: WSIS +20 – WSIS Beyond 2025. Kamelia Kemileva, Co-Director, Geneva Cities Hub, will refer to UNGA resolution 70/125, requesting that the review of the implementation of the outcomes of the WSIS in 2025 involves the input and participation of all stakeholders, including in the preparatory process and in the identification of areas of continued focus and challenges. These include Mayors and other local leaders who are often best positioned to assess and meet the needs on the ground. GCH will therefore work to secure their participation in the preparatory process and the review of WSIS+ 20 and beyond.
Earlier in the week, on 30 May 2022, Andras Szorenyi, Senior Policy Advisor, Geneva Cities Hub, together with WSIS secretariat, organized a High-Level Dialogue on Smart Cities, Drivers of Innovative Sustainable Development, with the participation of Mayors, city network leaders and ICT experts. They shared their experiences on how to drive smart innovation to build inclusive cities and accelerate digital transformation to improve the lives of city residents. Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG11, cannot be achieved without the engagement and development of cities. GCH was honored to co-organize and co-moderate this WSIS panel.