For its 3rd Anniversary, the GCH publishes a working paper on the engagement of LRGs in multilateralism. To mark its 3rd anniversary, the Global Cities Hub publishes a working paper offering some informal reflections on how to advance the involvement of local and regional governments in multilateralism.
The document takes stock of the past three years of work and looks at the next steps. First, the paper briefly explains how the GCH understands multilateralism and the current standing of LRGs in the multilateral system. It then examines the value that LRGs can bring to multilateralism, the reasons they want to engage, and the obstacles that impede them from doing so. Third, the working paper looks at the stakeholders that can assist the GCH to achieve its objectives. In addition to LRGs themselves, the GCH works with Member States, city networks and international organizations. It argues that Geneva is the right place to raise the profile of LRGs in multilateralism.
Finally, the GCH describes what it can do to assist LRGs to participate in multilateralism and the entry points that exist or need to be created to enhance multilateralism and make it more inclusive, effective and relevant in the longer run. Overall, the GCH hopes that this document will shed light on what can be done to support and advance the engagement of LRGs in international affairs, and to overcome obstacles that hinder their engagement.