
Raising awareness on the Global Plastics Treaty (INC-3)

The Global Cities Hub, in collaboration with key partners including C40, WWF, UCLG, the government of Quebec and UNEP, took part in the webinar “Circular City Insights: Global Plastics Treaty (INC-3)“, organized by ICLEI. The objective was to raise awareness among cities and subnational governments on the ongoing negotiation process by the International Negotiation Committee (INC) and the progress made to date. This negotiation seeks to develop “an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment”, called for easy reference the “Global Plastics Treaty”. The INC regularly convenes, and its next session will be held on 11-19 November 2023 in Nairobi. The GCH’s submission to INC-3 can be viewed here.

For more information about the webinar, and to acquire concrete insights from the cities of Evian, Toronto, and others, read ICLEI’s blog. A WWF report detailing potential contributions from cities to the Global Plastics Treaty is set to be released later this month.

In addition, the GCH recently conducted an in-depth analysis of the “zero-draft” of the Global Plastics Treaty. The analysis delves on the implications of all levels of government. It provides language that local and regional governments, city networks, States and NGOs involved in the process can use as inputs for the State-led negotiations. The Global Cities Hub has incorporated this language directly in the “zero-draft” here.

Watch the full recording of the event.