

Read articles on our activities and inclusive multilateralism in International Geneva

2021 edition of the International city networks directory

On 6 October, the Geneva Cities Hub, in partnership with UNECE and UN-Habitat, will introduce the 2021 edition of the International city networks directory, during the event In Focus: SDG 11 “Housing & sustainable urban development in a world marked by Covid-19 and climate change”. The objective of the Directory is to provide an overview …

The Geneva Cities Hub launches the Mayors’ Action Platform!

On 20 September 2021, the Geneva Cities Hub is launching the Mayors’ Action Platform (MAP). Created under the auspices of UNECE and UN-HABITAT, this initiative was created to follow-up on the Geneva Declaration of Mayors. The objectives of the platform are twofold: to showcase concrete actions and solutions devised by cities to address the issues …

“Soft mobility is the future of cities”

The rise of environmental considerations at both citizen and political levels coupled with the recent and ongoing Covid crisis have had a profound impact on urban transport systems. Numerous cities have promoted soft mobility as the future of urban transport. The United Nations have declared June 3 the “World Bike Day”. The Geneva Cities Hub …

International organizations have developed several tools to strengthen your city’s economic and financial recovery. Spread the word!

On 28 June 2021, the Geneva Cities Hub (GCH) and UN-Habitat partnered with UNECE, UNDRR and the World Bank to organize the 3rd Geneva Urban Debate (GUD): “Post-Covid Economic & Financial Recovery: What about the City”? Although the crisis is not over and efforts are ongoing to address its impacts, recovery strategies must already be …

“Cities have become political actors in their own right”

On 18 June 2021, the Geneva Cities Hub organized an informal talk on “City Diplomacy” in partnership with the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP). The event was stimulated by the book “City Diplomacy” by Dr. Lorenzo Kihlgren Grandi. It provided a welcome opportunity to …

New series on urban warfare on ICRC’s blog

ICRC Humanitarian Law & Policy blog has launched a new series of articles and podcasts on urban warfare. These explore the humanitarian, legal, military and other challenges raised by urban warfare. These include: the choice of means and methods of warfare during urban combat the practices of non-State armed groups the role of law and …

Cities Can : Accelerating progress towards the SDGs

On 10 June 2021, the Geneva Cities Hub, UN Habitat and City Cancer Challenge Foundation (C/Can) co-organized a second online Geneva Urban Debate on the role of cities in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event gathered around 200 participants from all over the world and offered an opportunity to launch the findings …

Implementation by cities of adequate housing policies through the lens of human rights and economic development

The GCH concluded its research aimed at exploring the status of cities in the UN human rights system in relation to an issue for which cities have significant responsibilities – namely the right to housing. To do so, Marie Boyenval, a Geneva Academy student enrolled in the LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, analyzed numerous reports …