

Read articles on our activities and inclusive multilateralism in International Geneva

Geneva Cities Hub takes part in the World Urban Forum

The Geneva Cities Hub (GCH) has been invited to take part in the World Urban Forum (26-30 June, Katowice, Poland), convened by UN-Habitat. Held every two years in different parts of the world, the World Urban Forum (WUF) is the foremost global arena for discussions in the field of sustainable urban development and human settlements. …

Neighbors’ Day in the Parc Rigot

On 20th May 2022, the Geneva Cities Hub organized a party in the Parc Rigot to celebrate Neighbors’ Day, along with Handicap international, Civicus, Rhizome, J’aime ma planète and Global Migration Policy Associates. Other organizations in the neighborhood of International Geneva were also invited to join. After 2 years of COVID restrictions, it was a …

Cities to be better prepared for health emergencies

In an article entitled “Cities better prepared for health emergencies” recently published in newSpecial, Geneva Cities Hub argues that increased investment to strengthen capacities and capabilities in urban health services, including health emergency preparedness and response are essential. Looking forward to the 75th World Health Assembly, we need to face that cities have become hot-spots …

Geneva Cities Hub is a jury member of the Eduki competition

Eduki’s national competition invites students from all over Switzerland to submit projects on selected sustainable development goals. This year, the theme is «LET’S GO SUSTAINABLE! » Think global and act local. This edition focuses on SDGs 11, 12 and 13. Given the focus on SDG 11 “Sustainable cities and communities”, the Geneva Cities Hub was …

Migration is an international issue, but also a very local phenomenon!

On 14 April 2022, the Geneva Cities Hub and the GFMD Mayors Mechanism co-organized a City Diplomacy event on Migration with the Mayor of Accra (Ghana), the Mayor of Zürich (Switzerland) and a State representative from Canada. As the international community will soon converge in New York for the 1st International Migration Review Forum (17-20 …

The Forum of Mayors brings a lot of value to the international discussion

During a side event in the margins of the Forum of Mayors in Geneva, representatives from UN Regional Economic Commissions shared best practices about their work and cooperation with Mayors and local and regional governments (LRGs). They discussed which initiatives could be best adapted to their regions, how inter-regional cooperation might be enlarged, and how …

The Forum of Mayors supports a new modern and inclusive multilateralism

The 2nd edition of the UNECE Forum of Mayors (FoM) took place on 4-5 April in Geneva under the theme “Recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic while advancing the implementation of the SDGs”. Among keynote speakers that opened the FoM, Mr. Sami Kanaan, former Mayor of Geneva and President of the Geneva Cities Hub, underlined the …

Opening of the 2nd Forum of Mayors

Mr. Sami Kanaan, Deputy Mayor of the City of Geneva and President of the Geneva Cities Hub opened the 2nd UNECE Forum of Mayors on 4 April 2022, alongside UNECE Executive Secretary, UN-Habitat Executive Director and UNOG Director General. Following the first successful edition held in 2020, this second Forum of Mayors focuses on the …