The 4th Forum of Mayors – the Cities’ Summit of the Future starts in one month on 30 September 2024. It is worth recalling the excellent analysis of Paola Deda published by the Geneva Policy Outlook earlier this year about “how can city diplomacy materialise within the UN, given that it is an intergovernmental process? While the UN is defined as a ‘multistakeholder’ organisation, its main decisions are driven by ‘member states’ and not ‘cities’. While recognizing the primacy of member states, most UN processes over the years have involved other stakeholders, whether as observers or on the margins of intergovernmental meetings. […]
The Forum was forged as a subsidiary body of a Committee, in which mayors participate in their own capacity and not as part of a national delegation or as observers. The Forum was created to allow for the participation of mayors in the work of UNECE and to share their strategic plans, actions and initiatives for addressing local, regional and global challenges such as the implementation of SDGs at the local level.”
Read the full article here: