
Category: International Geneva News

Pandemic preparedness in cities at the World Health Assembly

The 75th World Health Assembly has adopted a resolution on “Strengthening health emergency preparedness and response in cities and urban settings”. It is a critical milestone, because it recognizes the important role that cities and local authorities have in preventing, preparing for, and responding to health emergencies. The resolution urges member states to give due …

Neighbors’ Day in the Parc Rigot

On 20th May 2022, the Geneva Cities Hub organized a party in the Parc Rigot to celebrate Neighbors’ Day, along with Handicap international, Civicus, Rhizome, J’aime ma planète and Global Migration Policy Associates. Other organizations in the neighborhood of International Geneva were also invited to join. After 2 years of COVID restrictions, it was a …

Cities to be better prepared for health emergencies

In an article entitled “Cities better prepared for health emergencies” recently published in newSpecial, Geneva Cities Hub argues that increased investment to strengthen capacities and capabilities in urban health services, including health emergency preparedness and response are essential. Looking forward to the 75th World Health Assembly, we need to face that cities have become hot-spots …

Informal briefing on the urban agenda and related upcoming events

The Geneva Cities Hub (GCH) raised awareness about the important upcoming urban meetings planned in the first half of 2022 at a joint briefing for UN Member States co-organized by UNECE and UN-Habitat. As moderator, the GCH emphasized the need for contribution by all stakeholders, including States, local and regional governments, international organizations and civil …

Informal urban briefing co-convened by the Geneva Cities Hub and UN-Habitat

Fulfilling its role as the urban platform in Geneva, the Geneva Cities Hub (GCH) co-convened an informal urban briefing with UN-Habitat on 7 February 2022 targeting Geneva-based international organizations and international city networks. The objective was to raise awareness, mobilize and engage those stakeholders in view of important upcoming urban meetings in the first half …

New series on urban warfare on ICRC’s blog

ICRC Humanitarian Law & Policy blog has launched a new series of articles and podcasts on urban warfare. These explore the humanitarian, legal, military and other challenges raised by urban warfare. These include: the choice of means and methods of warfare during urban combat the practices of non-State armed groups the role of law and …

Implementation by cities of adequate housing policies through the lens of human rights and economic development

The GCH concluded its research aimed at exploring the status of cities in the UN human rights system in relation to an issue for which cities have significant responsibilities – namely the right to housing. To do so, Marie Boyenval, a Geneva Academy student enrolled in the LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, analyzed numerous reports …


The Geneva Cities Hub (GCH) was invited by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to take part in the 2020 High Commissioner’s Protection dialogue closing session (9 December 2020) and in the Conference on the 70th Anniversary of the founding of UNHCR (18 January 2021). ​ During those online events, the GCH had the opportunity to highlight …