
Listings by : root

root Added By root
February 24, 2023 1:00 pm
The aim of this briefing is to give participants the key elements to understand the outcome of the Conference. Geneva Cities Hub, UN-Habitat, UN-Water, Geneva Environment Network and Member States representatives will present the aspects of the Conference that are most important for local leaders.
root Added By root
Leading the global effort to end AIDS, UNAIDS is a Joint Programme cosponsored by 11 UN entities. Headquartered in Geneva, UNAIDS supports an accelerated HIV response in urban settings through the Fast-Track Cities Initiative.
Institution: UNAIDS
root Added By root
June 20, 2023 4:00 pm
The First Meeting of the Mayors Council is an opportunity to showcase the work led by UN-Habitat and other stakehodlers, including the Geneva Cities Hub, to fight homelesseness and create a Mayors-led coalition on this issue

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