The Geneva Cities Hub supports the Healthy Cities, Healthy People initiative that will be launched today.
The Healthy Cities, Healthy People initiative brings together local leaders and organizations such as UN-Habitat, the World Health Organization, the Commonwealth Local Government Forum and others, committed to creating healthy cities for all, with a focus on reducing rates of infectious and vector-borne diseases and neglected tropical diseases.
The initiative has already been endorsed by several cities (Belize City, Kochi, Windhoek, Freetown, Manchester, Lusaka, etc.) and their leaders have committed to play their part in preventing disease control through better planning and development of urban environments.
The initiative recognizes that mayors and local government leaders are the best actors to catalyse community-based efforts and to generate truly multi-sectoral solutions to health challenges at the local level. It also invites the international community at large to ensure that city leadership and local governments continue to strengthen their voice in national and global development debate and decision making.
Discover the Common Position and Commitment to Action.
To read more information and join the event, visit our events.