
Pledge by the Global Cities Hub for UDHR 75

On 11-12 December 2023 OHCHR organized commemorations of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Declaration remains the core international document for achieving freedom, equality, and justice for everyone.

The Global Cities Hub (GCH) took part in The Human Rights 75 – High-level event to emphasize the mutual benefits of enhancing the contribution and participation of LRGs in the UN human rights system. This not only assists States in fulfilling their human rights obligations through LRGs as vital implementation partners, but also enables LRGs to strengthen their human rights capacities and better address the needs of their residents.

We seek to better connect local and regional governments (LRGs) to Geneva-based multilateral processes. As such, we encourage States to better take into account the role and perspectives of LRGs in the respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights. Effective implementation of States’ international human rights obligations often necessitates the active involvement of LRGs, given their competencies in key areas such as housing, water and land management, health, and education, among others.

To that effect, GCH continues to advocate more strongly in favor of meaningful involvement of LRGs in the UN human rights system, and pledged to upholding and advancing human rights at all levels of governance by :

  • Promoting the inclusion of language reflecting the role and perspectives of LRGs in deliberations on relevant HRC resolutions, especially those focusing on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Encouraging States
    • to include representatives of LRGs into their national delegations at the Human Rights Council, during the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) sessions, and before Treaty Bodies, whenever possible;
    • to facilitate the participation of LRG representatives in National Mechanism for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF), where applicable; and
    • to consult their local and regional governments during the preparation of UPR national reports, considering their insights on the recommendations received, and implementing accepted recommendations.
  • Encouraging Special Procedures (SPs) mandate holders to engage with LRGs during their country visits;
  • Contributing to capacity-building and training opportunities for local and regional governments to enhance their human rights understanding and capacity to implement them at subnational level.

See the pledge here: