
International Cities of Refuge Network

At present, ICORN is made up of 84 cities and regions across Europe and the Americas. Each ICORN member commits to providing protection and support through temporary protective residencies for writers, artists, and journalists at risk. Fostering strong partnerships between local authorities and civil society within a global network, the common mission of the ICORN Cities of Refuge is to make both symbolic and practical contribution to improving the conditions for freedom of expression worldwide. 

“The spaces for freedom of expression are shrinking on a global scale. It is the task of ICORN to mobilize cities all over the world to become committed actors for human rights and freedom of expression, making the values of solidarity, creativity and hospitality core priorities of each city’s policy.”




With ICORN’s vision focused on improving conditions for freedom of expression for all, our mission is to mobilise cities around the world to provide safety and support to writers, artists, and journalists facing persecution because of their expressions. In a world which is becoming more threatening for writers, artists, and journalists who speak truth to power, they take risks for all of us. Protecting and promoting their voices has become ever more needed. Prompting international solidarity and democratic values, we act together with members, partners, and defenders to improve the conditions for freedom of expression as a fundamental human right. 



ICORN enables cities around the world to provide safe havens for persecuted writers and artists, working together to

• advance freedom of expression.

• defend democratic values.

• promote international solidarity




ICORN’s principal objective is to improve the conditions for freedom of expression worldwide by engaging cities to be ambassadors for human rights and freedom of expression. ICORN offers spaces where writers, artists, and journalists at risk can express themselves freely and continue their professional activities in a safe environment, reinforcing the impact of their work and raising awareness about human rights violations worldwide. 

“ICORN and its member cities can never work and operate in a vacuum. We totally depend on a growing amount of partners and cooperative bodies and organizations, working together to make to the world a freer and better place for all.” 



  • ICORN’s current and future projects include:
  • Continued support to writers, artists, and journalists at risk through protective residencies in the ICORN Cities of Refuge. 
  • Continued expansion of the network of ICORN Cities of Refuge, making a larger number of ICORN residencies possible.
  • Continued retention of existing ICORN Cities of Refuge and anchoring the ICORN programme within them. 
  • Continued cooperation with our partners and sister organisations to protect and promote writers, artists, and journalists at risk and improve the conditions for freedom of expression worldwide.
  • Work to facilitate the legal and administrative practicalities of relocation processes.
  • Working on a new strategic plan for ICORN for the period 2024-2028.