
At UN HRC, States jointly underline need to provide more space to local governments for a more inclusive multilateralism

The GCH was very proud to be closely associated with and support the joint statement* of 50+ States who jointly reaffirmed that local governments had an important role in relation to human rights, given their competencies in key areas such as housing, water and land management, health, and education, among many others.

The statement, which was read by Juerg Lauber, Ambassador of Switzerland, on behalf of all sponsoring States at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), affirmed that “As we move towards the Summit of the Future, we need to provide more space to local governments for a more inclusive multilateralism and better protection, respect and fulfilment of human rights for everyone, everywhere and at all levels of our respective States… local governments can and must contribute to “Multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow” which should result from the UN Summit of the Future. For that, we would welcome explicit references on how the UN can strengthen engagement with local governments in the Pact for the Future”.

States from all regions (cf. joint statement below, with list of sponsoring States) have emphasized their interest in engaging more with their local governments in relation to their work with the UN human rights system, including the Universal Periodic Review, the country visits of Special procedures, the treaty body reviews or in their national mechanism for implementation, review and follow-up (NMIRF), when it exists. Obviously, capacity building is important to support the engagement of local governments with the UN human rights system.

The GCH is thrilled that the statement has gathered the signature of so many States acknowledging that a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach is conducive to better respect for and protection and fulfilment of human rights at all levels. It is particularly grateful to the Permanent missions of Switzerland, the Republic of Korea, Chile, Egypt and Romania, who have taken the lead on this statement. The GCH will continue supporting States on this issue, in particular as the Human Rights Council should adopt another resolution on local government and human rights at its 57th session.

*A joint statement at the UN Human Rights Council is a diplomatic tool utilized by several States to collectively address human rights issues. It amplifies their shared stance or proposals on global human rights matters, enhancing their diplomatic influence and advocacy efforts.

Read the HRC55 Joint-Statement.