5th meeting of the UN Forum of Mayors
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5th meeting of the UN Forum of Mayors
The 5th meeting of the UN Forum of Mayors will take place on 6 and 7 October 2025 in Geneva. It is organized under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), with support from the Global Cities Hub. UNECE Member States adopted the new Terms of Reference (ToRs), confirming the global nature of the forum. The 2025 UN FoM will be set up as a ‘High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) for Cities’ and review, through a local lens, the same Sustainable Development Goals that will be the focus of the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development to be held in New York in July 2025. |
Date: 6-7 October 2025
The theme will be “Cities shaping the Future”, with topics focusing around SDG3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG5 (Gender Equality) and SDG8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).
The tentative programme of events includes:
- A High-level Meeting of Mayors and Heads of International Organizations, which offers a unique opportunity for direct engagement similarly to last year.
- Building on last year’s success, an event dedicated to Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs), held at the Global Cities Hub, to share knowledge and best practices.
- A special event at the World Economic Forum (WEF) on public-private partneships to foster local innovation.
The official programme of the Forum to be published soon.
The UNECE Ministerial Meeting on Housing Affordability and Sustainability is scheduled to take place just after the UN FoM on 8 October 2025. This will surely inspire Mayors to reflect on housing and other related issues.
The Global Cities Hub is looking forward to a strong cooperation with all the UN Regional commissions to organize the FoM and engage with all interested Mayors and city networks.
Please register here for the event.