
3rd WHO Mayors’ dialogue on promoting urban governance for health and well-being

On 22 November 2023 GCH had the pleasure to contribute to the discussion at the “Third Mayors’ Dialogue on Promoting Urban Governance for Health and Well-being” organized by WHO.

The dialogue was part of the WHO global initiative on Urban Governance for Health and Well-being (2020-2028), that enables sharing knowledge and best practices on innovative and practical ways of creating health and well-being for all in cities.

Mayors and city representatives from Gualeguaychú (Argentina), Khulna (Bangladesh), Douala (Cameroon), Bogota (Colombia), Quito (Ecuador), Mexico City (Mexico), and Pasig (Philippines) participated in the program which included thematic discussions, study visits and project advancement presentations.

GCH Co-director Duong emphasized that cities and regions are heavily impacted by global challenges (health, environment, climate, plastic pollution, migration, etc.), and they develop local actions and solutions that are useful in UN debates on these challenges. LRGs’ presence and participation therefore offer added value at the international level, especially because mayors have a multisectoral and whole-of-society vision. She explained how cities can contribute more effectively to multilateral processes and participate in discussions to share their reflections and thoughts moving forward on governance for health and well-being, but also on other issues being dealt by the international community in Geneva.

GCH advocates for a whole-of-government approach in multilateralism in general and in health issues in particular. We provide relevant information to LRGs on identified international processes and serve as a knowledge-hub on the activities of Geneva-based IOs. The Geneva international ecosystem encompasses all relevant stakeholders, including States, IOs, NGOs, private sector and it should also provide more space to LRGs. Better involving LRGs should give rise to a more effective and inclusive multilateralism, closer to the expectations and needs of populations.

At the WHO Headquarters, Mayors met with WHO DG Dr Tedros and WHO Assistant DG for Healthier Populations, Dr Li. They also learned about the “Partnership for Healthy Cities” program run in cooperation with Bloomberg Philanthropies promoting peer-to-peer learning and exchange around 14 key policy areas.

The Mayors’ Dialogue on Promoting Urban Governance for Health and Well-being is an excellent program that proves the importance of inclusive multilateralism and demonstrates the added value of exchanges between the local and the global levels of decision-making in our ‘glocalized’ world – as Director Krech eloquently put it.

It was great to reconnect with Mayor Agudelo Hernandez from Kennedy, Bogota, as well as to start a discussion with Mayor Mbassa Ndine from Douala, Mayor Piaggio from Gualeguaychu and Mayor Vanegas from Milpa Alta in Mexico City. We are looking forward to working with them on this and other important issues.

Read the news by WHO here: Third mayors dialogue on promoting urban governance for health and well-being (