
Briefing for Mayors: 3rd Forum of Mayors & Building Bridges 2023

October 12, 2023 2:00 pm
  • Viewed - 3326


On 12 October 2023, the GCH will organize a briefing on the 3rd Forum of Mayors and Building Bridges for Mayors and their administrations.

From 2 to 6 October 2023, Geneva hosted two major events for Local and Regional Governments (LRGs): the 3rd Forum of Mayors and Building Bridges 2023.

The Forum of Mayors (FoM) organized by UNECE focuses on specific thematic issues related to sustainable urban development, housing and land management. It is an expression of the new multilateral trend to include cities & other subnational authorities in global affairs. For the first time, Mayors from all over the world were invited to participate in the FoM Interregional Segment, opening up the avenue for exchanges of regional experiences and the cross-fertilization of local best practices.

“Building Bridges” offers the opportunity to bring LRGs, the United Nations and the financial sector at the same table to discuss a more inclusive approach to advance and accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable financial system. Participating Mayors presented achievements in their respective communities, including one key project that requires sustainable financing.

In this informative session, organizers of both events will present the most important elements of the programme offer valuable insights about the outputs with high relevance for LRGs.





  • Paola Deda, Director of Forest, Land and Housing Division, UNECE
  • Boris Richard, Chair, UNECE Executive Committee
  • Boris Le Montagner, Action Days Coordinator, Building Bridges


Moderated by:


  • Graham Alabaster, Chief of Geneva Office, UN-Habitat
  • Kamelia Kemileva, Co-director, Global Cities Hub





Please follow the link to register.