Using Local Public-Private Partnerships to create more reliable and resilient infrastructure
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While private-public partnerships (PPPs) can also be implemented at the national level, their impact for Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) is substantial. For instance, financing for circular economy initiatives and the sustainable use of natural resources often relies on PPPs. The UN and others, namely the World Association of PPPs, help develop and disseminate evidence-based international policy practices and convene experts from national, regional and local governments, businesses, academia, and civil society to formulate guidelines and evaluation frameworks, like the UNECE PPP and Infrastructure Evaluation and Rating System (PIERS).
Join our panelists for a deep dive into strategies to optimize locally aligned PPP projects for critical infrastructure financing. With an estimated $15 trillion financing gap by 2040 and a growing urban population, it is essential to ensure a successful transition towards climate resilience while addressing financing challenges, including rising debt levels, currency fluctuations, and political considerations.
Opening remarks
- Graham Alabaster, Chief of Geneva Office, UN-Habitat
- Kamelia Kemileva, Co-Director, Global Cities Hub
- Cedric Dupont, Professor, Geneva Graduate Institute
- Helene Bakoula, Vice-Chair Bureau of the Working Party on PPPs, Legal Counsel Athens Urban Transport Organization, OASA S.A.
- Jim Mugunga, Executive Director, PPP Unit of Uganda
- Rodolphe Barbaroux, SDG Advisor, City of Evian, France
- François Bergère, Executive Director, Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association
- Heela Omarkhail & Charlotte Boutboul, World Economic Forum Global Partnership for Local Investment initiative
Moderated by Jean-Christophe Barth-Coullaré, Executive Director, WAPPP, Geneva
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