
The Geneva Cities Hub takes part in the opening of the COP26

November 2, 2021 8:00 am
  • Viewed - 2988


The Geneva Cities Hub is taking part in the opening of the COP26 (UN Climate Change Conference) in Glasgow to observe the role that local and regional governments play in relation to the COP26’s outcome, with one question in mind :


Subnational governments and their networks have been very active in the run-up to the conference and they are also present at the COP26. But will they actually influence the negotiations and the final outcome?


To learn more, please do not miss our event on COP26 and city diplomacy to be held in November in Geneva (hybrid event). Date and time will soon be published on our website and social media.
To listen to some interesting discussions in this context, follow our partner UNECE’s dedicated event at COP26 “Climate Breakfast with Mayors: A dialogue with Norman Foster and John Kerry”.