Ensuring housing affordability, ending homelessness: A global challenge
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Join us for a side-event at the 55th session of the Human Rights Council to discuss housing affordability!
Affordability is a key element of the right to adequate housing. Today, however, more and more people around the world are struggling to pay for housing-related costs or are excluded from housing as it has become too expensive. The affordability crisis has been triggered by many factors, including rising inflation, hikes in interest and mortgage rates, climate and conflict-induced displacement, the financialization of housing, or policies that resulted in a shrinking social or public housing stock. Guided by the recent report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing on housing affordability (A/78/192), experts will discuss what can be done to make housing affordable, protect tenants from rising rents and housing costs, and to prevent and end homelessness.
Welcome remarks by H.E. Ms. Tiina Jortikka-Laitinen, Ambassador for Human Rights of Finland
- Mr. Balakrishnan Rajagopal, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing
- Mr. Dan Nicander, Secretary-General, International Union of Tenants (IUT)
- Ms. Teija Ojankoski, CEO, Y-Foundation
- Mr. Indu Prakash Singh, Facilitator, CityMakers Mission International
- Mr. Rodrigo Faria G. Iacovini, Executive Director, Pólis Institute
Moderation by Ms. Anh Thu Duong, Co-director, Global Cities Hub
Only accredited participants may get access to the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
The event may be followed online through this webex link.
Photo credit: Harry Strauss from Pixabay