Digitalization in the Cities and Privacy for Citizens
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This session, organised by the Geneva Cities Hub in collaboration with the Geneva Academy, brings together a diverse panel with experience working with government, citizens, municipal authorities and businesses to deliver smart cities innovations that improve the quality of life for populations in urban areas across the globe.
With efforts to develop infrastructure in cities and towns exposing communities to technologies that monitor both individual and group activities, associations and transactions in ever more granular detail, challenges arise as to how to protect the fundamental rights of citizens. How can we best exploit the benefits of technologies in developing smart cities and other human habitats, while at the same time responding to the evolving needs of citizens and safeguarding their fundamental rights?
This panel with discuss the key learnings to date using case studies, taking into account in particular the long term impact of infrastructure projects and changing perceptions towards rights such as privacy and data protection given the novel coronavirus pandemic’s continued effects for urban communities.
Questions for consideration by the panel:
- How can public authorities improve engagement with citizens when designing smart cities services to better protect privacy and other fundamental rights?
- What tools are effective for cities to better understand citizens’ needs in actively participating in the development of technologies, algorithmic and artificial intelligence systems that impact their lives?
- Which smart cities initiatives have proven effective in providing mechanisms to question and seek adaptation in systems that are unfair, biased or discriminatory?
- How can cities and other municipalities improve representation and collective engagement through open, participatory and transparent opportunities to shape the technologies designed for citizens?
A simultaneous English-Spanish translation will be provided.
- Kamelia Kemileva, Executive Manager, Geneva Cities Hub
- Felix Kirchmeier, Executive Director, Geneva Human Rights Platform
- Jonathan Andrew, Associate Research Fellow, Geneva Academy
- Ben Green, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
- Katharina Candel-Haug, Deputy Head of Department, Strategy and Mobility Lab – Stadtwerke München
- Lluis Gomez, International Director, Barcelona de Serveis Municipals S.A.
- Lorena Santana Reuss, Executive Director, Do! Smart City
To register for this event, click here.